Great diving organized by
The Resort’s Dive Center. Our dive boat picks you up directly in front of the Resort.
The Cape of Bira is famous for a big number of sharks, rays and other pelagic but also beautiful reefs and coral gardens. For away from tourist destinations South Sulawesi is one of last unspoiled diving frontiers.
Visibility is usually very good, water temperatures are around 27-30Ë? in march- june and September-november , in july and august sometimes a bit colder.
House reef Bira : A nice wall dive to the depth of about 20m. Usually we spot a lot of lionfishes here, from clearfin, spotless to zebra lionfishes and even the shy twinspotted lionfish. Also nudibranchs and lots of coral reef fishes.
Cape Bira: At around 30m depth we find regular sharks, rays, barracudas, Nice hard corals.
East of the cape : a nice wall followed by a slope which turns into the shallows. In the deeper parts (30-40m) we regularly see whitetip and gray reefsharks, eagle rays and stingrays. The shallows are quite interesting too, if you take a close look you can find nudibranches and ribbon eels.
West of the cape: colorful wall with a sandy bottom at around 30m. Turtles and lots of reef fish.
Tanjung Bira(Bira bay): a great dive with dozens of sharks and if you are lucky even a hammerhead.
Shark poin: This dive site lies close to the harbour. You do a driff dive on a slope and sometimes there can be quite a lot of current. A good place for big fish like tunas, trevallies, sharks and cods.
Pulau Kambing (Goat Island)- WEST or EAST : this excellent dive sites are situated in the strait between Selayar island and Bira. You dive on a wall that drops down to at least 60m. Sometimes strong current. On the dive there are constantly sharks patrolling back and forth – white tipped, black tipped sharks on the wall and nurse sharks at the coral garden that starts from about 15m up. But you are also very likely to see schools of hunting mackerels or tunas and great trevallies as well as groups of bumphead parrotfishes. In the coral garden you might find scorpionfishes, cuttlefish or octopus and with luck the juvenile zebra batfish. A great place for scuba diving!
Night dive at Coral garden: Night dives close to Pantai Kecil (little beach) just south of Bira harbor are very nice: Spanish dancers, twinspot lionfish, turtles, several, cuttlefish and octopus. One of the highlights is a huge Conus shell (Conus geographus).
Theater/ View Inn : Two regular ghost morenas and a nice coral garden.
Sapolohe/ White House: Thousands of fish of every colour and shape are here including regal/ angelfish, checkerboard wrasse and masked unicornfish, against a beautiful backdrop of acripora corals, gorgonian fans and sponges.
Stingray Bay: Best to dive early morning, 2 little seamounts of around 15m with lots of red corals, anemones, eals, lion fish.
Pulau Leokan (Leokan Island) : One of the best sites to see sharks, jacks, dogtooth tuna, schools of barracuda and surgeonfish.
Leokan – Levis 501: great place for macro fans: in just 12m depth lots of surprises wait for you: snakes, morenas, nudibranches…
Pulau Pasi (Pasi Island): Beautiful coral garden and underwater landscape invite for photo shootings.
Fishmarket : the place to see sharks and other bisg fish – but because of strong currents just for really experienced divers!